Displaying at butchers, delicatessens, and caterers
Countertop display for Teyssier deli meats

Sept-2023 — Teyssier Salaisons, proud bearer of the Living Heritage label in the heart of the Monts d’Ardèche Natural Park, produces deli meats with the greatest respect for traditional techniques. Teyssier's craftsmanship, guarantee of superior quality, is passed on from generation to generation.
To showcase Teyssier's range of dry-cured sausages in exclusive food shops, we have made this range of countertop display materials. A combination of metal and wood not only complements the rustic charm of Teyssier’s artisanal products, but also aligns with its heritage and ethos.
Each display has been designed to exude an air of authenticity, mirroring the same dedication and passion that has defined Teyssier Salaisons since its establishment in 1871.
To experience the culmination of tradition, craftsmanship, and exceptional flavor, look for Teyssier exclusively on the counters of the finest butchers, delicatessens, and caterers. It's not just a product; it's a testament to legacy and superior quality.

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Are you interested in using display materials to develop impulse buying at butchers, delicatessens, or caterers? Contact us today, we would be happy to discuss the possibilities for your product offerings.